Clearing the clutter

Getting out of town is the surest way of getting back on track. Stronger and more sensible. Mostly anyways. This time when I got back from my French family vacation, I came back wiser. During our short stop at Brussels, I realised that the last time I was there, I was a different and perhaps a more inspired. With an uncanny hope for impossible possibilities. Though I remember not feeling too satisfied even then. But what I would do today to be in the state of mind I was then. Life is funny like that.

I decided that my instincts would lead me somewhere good. Just as always. I just had to pay attention to them. I waited. But my instincts had got me to this tricky unsure place that I found myself in. So I decided to chuck that, and take control. The first lesson post the vacation was: “clear the clutter”. Anything that you do not need should not occupy precious space: be it mind space or actual physical space. Life is too short to not give the real stuff the energy it deserves. 1. Prioritise and clean up. 2. And be mindful of that extra baggage. That one lunch you didn’t feel like going to but you did. That one time you didn’t have to apologise but you did.

I came back and threw things out and decided not to react to stuff that didn’t need my attention. I feel so great. So here are things that matter as of now, as of today

  • Spending time with my baby boy and seeing him smile. Making him smile.
  • Loving my husband and having a relationship that inspires not drains.
  • Watching my creativity being pushed to the next level and giving it its due.
  • Not answering or responding to negativity at all.

I wanted to cook my favourite meal to reward myself and what better than a hassle free one-pot pasta to honour this realisation?

Photo credit: Apron strings blog

Photo credit: Apron strings blog


* 12 oz pasta (of your choice)
* 1 large can diced tomatoes, including the liquid
* 6 cloves fresh garlic, cut into thin slices
* 2-3 bunches of fresh basil (20+ leaves), sliced into medium pieces (1″ x 0.5″-ish)
* 4 cups vegetable stock
* 2 tsp dried oregano
* 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
* 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
* seasoning with salt
* fresh Parmesan cheese for garnish, shredded or shaved

Cook for 9 minutes on medium-high heat for best results.




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